Cloud-Based Messaging vs. On-Site Messaging

September 01, 2021


Messaging is an essential aspect of modern communication, with many businesses relying on messaging to convey important information. However, the traditional approach of hosting messaging solutions on-premises poses several challenges, including high costs, limited scalability, and the need for constant maintenance. This has led many organizations to shift towards cloud-based messaging solutions. In this blog post, we will compare cloud-based messaging with on-site messaging, highlighting the differences between the two approaches.

Infrastructure costs

One of the significant differences between cloud-based messaging and on-site messaging is the infrastructure cost. With on-site messaging solutions, businesses need to invest in servers, storage, and other hardware devices to run their messaging applications. They must also bear the cost of providing power and cooling to these systems.

On the other hand, cloud-based messaging solutions, like Google Cloud Messaging, and Microsoft's Exchange Online, don't require any on-premises infrastructure. Businesses are charged based on the number of users and the storage required to operate the messaging solution. So, cloud-based messaging saves your business the capital expense of owning and managing on-premises infrastructure.


Modern businesses are not static; they require solutions that can keep up with their expansion. Scalability is a significant concern for on-site messaging solutions since businesses have to invest in additional hardware, software licenses, and IT staff to operate and maintain it as the number of users and messages grows.

With Cloud-based messaging solutions, scalability pain point is significantly diminished - this is perhaps one of the most significant advantages of cloud-based messaging over on-premises messaging. Businesses can easily scale up or scale down messaging capabilities, add or remove users, and integrate additional services as the organization grows. Cloud-based messaging providers can quickly allocate resources depending on your business's demands.


Security is a paramount concern for businesses, especially concerning messaging solutions. Sensitive information is exchanged via messaging applications, which can result in a security breach in case of any vulnerability. With on-site messaging solutions, the business is entirely responsible for securing its infrastructure with the required security best practices.

With cloud-based messaging solutions, the majority of the responsibility falls on the provider. Business data is encrypted at rest and in transit, and providers are consistently monitoring for potential threats to their infrastructure. For instance, cloud providers such as AWS offer compliance certifications from industry standards such as HIPAA and SOC2, which help demonstrate that your data is secure.


At the end of the day, the choice between cloud-based messaging and on-site messaging depends on various factors such as cost, scalability needs, security requirements, and organizational objectives. Cloud-based messaging solutions hold a clear advantage in scalability, cost and security compared to on-site messaging solutions, and continue to be the popular choice of messaging option for businesses.


  • Google Cloud Messaging (link)
  • Microsoft Exchange Online (link)
  • Amazon Web Services (link)

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